Argus Twin-lens Reflex Camera Attributes Survey

The Argus Collectors Group is conducting a survey to identify the attributes of the Argus Twin-lens Reflex cameras. The purpose of the survey is to document changes in features of the camera family over their production life. The results will be posted on the ACG web site.

Directions: Have your camera handy, then proceed by answering each question, either filling in the blank space below the question (like question 1), or clicking on the dot to the left of the correct answer to select it. When you are done, click the 'Submit' button at the bottom of the form to send us the information.

If any of the features of your camera don't match the choices provided, please describe them in the 'comments' section at the bottom of this page.

1. Serial Number

THIS FIELD IS REQUIRED!! Our survey database is indexed by the serial number, so it is the most important information you will provide for your camera.

NOTE: A real serial number is most useful for this database, so please do try to locate it, using the pictures below... but if you have a camera and you can't find a serial number, please just enter 'no serial number' in this space. Thanks!

The serial number is inside the camera, stamped on the back door. Here are some pictures of where you may find the serial number:

full date datestamp full date datestamp full date datestamp
Examples of serial number locations

Please enter the camera's serial number. It should be a number between 5 and 10 digits long:

2. Film supply chamber: film size label

Is there a label in the film SUPPLY chamber saying 'For best results Reload only with 620 or PB 20 Film'?

yes supply has 620 film decal
no supply has no 620 film decal

3. Film supply chamber: Hinged cradle for film roll

Is there a hinged cradle in the film SUPPLY chamber that swings out to hold the roll of film?

yes supply has hinged film cradle
no supply has no hinged film cradle

4. Film takeup chamber: film size label

Is there a label in the film TAKEUP chamber saying 'Use 620 Film'?

'Use 620 Film Patents Pending' takeup decal '
'Reload Only With 620 or PB 20 Film' takeup decal 'Reload Only With 620 or PB 20 Film
'For Best Results Reload Only With 620 or PB 20 Film' takeup decal 'For Best Results Reload Only With 620 or PB 20 Film'
no film size label takeup has no 620 film decal

5. Film takeup chamber: Hinged cradle for film roll

Is there a hinged cradle in the film TAKEUP chamber that swings out to hold the roll of film?

yes takeup has hinged film cradle
no takeup has no hinged film cradle

6. Wind knob film spool key

Which of these two pictures looks like the key that fits into the film spool, opposite the wind knob, inside the camera:

Beveled end with no crosspiece beveled film key
Flat end with crosspiece flat crossed film key
Flat end with crossing pin slot and pin key

7. Pressure plate

Is the film pressure plate chrome or black?

Chrome chrome pressure plate
Black black pressure plate

8. Upper (viewing) Lens

The lenses labeled 'f4.5 Anastigmat' may have lenses of one of two different sizes, and it's kind of hard to tell them apart. Here are a couple of pictures that may help. The 'smaller-diameter lens' has a 'wide' ridge on the outer part of the trim ring, while the 'larger-diameter lens' has a 'narrower' ridge:

full date datestamp
Examples of 'f4.5 Anastigmat' viewing lenses

What does the upper (viewing) lens look like:

Labeled 'f4.5 Anastigmat', smaller-diameter lens f4.5 Anastigmat smaller
Labeled 'f4.5 Anastigmat', larger-diameter lens f4.5 Anastigmat larger
Labeled 'f3.5 Anastigmat' f3.5 Anastigmat

9. Lower (taking) Lens

What do the lower lens and shutter look like:

Labeled 'Argus Varex', lens looks clear Argus Varex, uncoated
Labeled 'Argus Varex', lens has a bluish or purplish coating Argus Varex, coated
Labeled 'Argus Coated Varex', lens has a bluish or purplish coating Argus Coated Varex
Labeled '75mm f6.3 Anastigmat', lens looks clear f6.3 Anastigmat

10. Shutter Speeds

What are the shutter speeds:

T, B, 200, 100, 50, 25, 10
T, B, 150, 100, 50, 25

11. Aperture scale

What are the aperture scale values:

4.5, 6.3, 9, 12.7, 18
6.3, 9, 12.7, 18

12. Wind Knob

What does the film wind knob look like:

Black Plastic Black Plastic
Silver Metal Silver Metal

13. Smaller second film knob

On the other side of the body from the film wind knob, is there a smaller black plastic knob?

yes knob on both sides
no no smaller knob

14. Body logo and trim

Which of the following does the front logo or body design of your camera look like?

'argoflex' logo, style 1 Argoflex E style 1
'argoflex' logo, style 2 Argoflex E style 2
Wardflex Wardflex
Roman numeral II below 'argoflex', silver trim lines on front and sides Argoflex II
No Roman numeral II, silver trim lines on front and sides Argoflex EM silver trim
No silver trim lines, no flash shoe on the side Argoflex EM black trim
Flash shoe on side of body Argoflex EF
none of the above (please describe in comments below)

15. Logo on viewing hood

On top of the camera is a viewing hood that folds down. What does the logo look like on the hood:

Note: the raised finish can be felt if you run your finger over the logo. It's pretty subtle.

"argus" with simple prism original hood logo
"argus" with stylized prism, logo has smooth finish later hood logo smooth
"argus" with stylized prism, logo has raised finish later hood logo raised
Stylized "MW" Wardflex hood logo

16. Film counter

On the side of the camera with the film wind knob, is there a mechanical counter with a number in a window and two silver buttons:

yes has mechanical film counter
no no mechanical film counter

Original purchase date

If you know the date when this camera was purchased NEW, please enter that here:


Do you have any other comments about your camera:

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